Comme Dans Un Film: Comment Devenir Le Personnage Principal De Votre Propre Histoire

Comme Dans Un Film: Comment Devenir Le Personnage Principal De Votre Propre Histoire
Comme Dans Un Film: Comment Devenir Le Personnage Principal De Votre Propre Histoire

Vidéo: Comme Dans Un Film: Comment Devenir Le Personnage Principal De Votre Propre Histoire

Vidéo: Comme Dans Un Film: Comment Devenir Le Personnage Principal De Votre Propre Histoire
Vidéo: 8 étapes pour écrire un scénario 2024, Avril

T «Commencez à romancer votre vie - agissez comme si vous étiez en tête», ronronne une voix de Tiktok. Pourquoi romancer votre vie? Pour en profiter! Pourquoi est-il si important de se sentir «en tête»? Parce que c'est avec les personnages principaux de tout film que se déroulent tous les événements intéressants. Et personne ne veut être en marge - du moins ressentir cela - dans sa propre histoire. Comment devenir le personnage principal? Tout d'abord, décidez dans quel genre vous vivez. La bonne tenue vous aidera à ressentir l'atmosphère: les images de nos personnages principaux préférés les distinguent toujours des autres, secondaires. Vous ne pouvez pas décider? Nous avons rassemblé les films d'automne les plus chauds - et trié les images de leurs héroïnes frappantes. Si vous en aimez une, une tenue dans son esprit et son humeur est facile à trouver dans The Seasons. Toutes les grandes marques de luxe et de mode sont ici, de Dior, Cartier et Gucci à Alexander Wang et Kenzo. Et assemblez une image qui convient à votre histoire, avec confort - et même le monde réel en dehors de la fenêtre, qui n'a pas été très heureux ces derniers temps, brillera de nouvelles couleurs. {"Points": [{"id": 1, " propriétés ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": - 15, "y": - 72, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": - 15}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" duration ": 2," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}}" Apportez-moi ce que cette fille a! " - cette phrase de la comédie romantique culte des années 80 "Quand Harry rencontre Sally" est déjà entrée dans l'histoire presque indépendamment du film entier. Et Sally elle-même, brillante et drôle, n'ayant pas peur de s'amuser et de paraître ridicule, était aimée de tout le monde - et pas seulement pour la scène même du café. Elle est attirée par la spontanéité et la simplicité. Toutes ces qualités se reflètent dans sa garde-robe - elle s'habille très calmement, dans des couleurs chaudes (idéalement l'automne!). Elle adore les chemises pour hommes et les pulls texturés, ne porte pas de bijoux - parce que ses principaux ornements sont un choc de boucles, un sourire et un sens de l'humour. x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": { "x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} {"points": [{"id": 1, "propriété ies ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 17, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 19," propriétés ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1.05," scale Y ": 1.05," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 18," properties ": {" duration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} pull Jacob Cohen, pantalon The Dress (Parade), chapeau Hermès, chemisier Maje, mocassins GucciCollections disponibles dans les galeries Seasons {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id ": 3," properties ": {" x ": - 15," y ": - 72," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": - 15}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 2, "delay": 0, "bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} Un peu de sorcière chic pour votre style d'automne ça ne fait jamais de mal - même si vous n'avez pas prévu de célébrer Halloween. En fin de compte, pour beaucoup, les sorcières ne sont pas tant un symbole de magie que la fraternité, la force et la liberté. «Practical Magic» est une histoire de sorcellerie, d'amour et d'amitié. Il y a deux personnages principaux, et ils sont très différents, même dans les vêtements: l'un s'habille de manière provocante et brillante, l'autre, au contraire, calmement et simplement. Nous proposons de combiner les deux styles. Prenez les cardigans avec le jean Sandra Bullock et les motifs sombres de Nicole Kidman - par exemple, un corset noir et une veste à capuche de sorcière. {"Points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id ": 2," properties ": {" duration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, " rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" duration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacit y ": 1," scaleX ": 1.05," scaleY ": 1.05," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 1," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0 }}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} Corset Olivier Theyskens (Boutique 7), poncho Maje, cardigan Colombo (St-James), jean Alexander Wang (TopStyle), chaussures Dior Des collections sont disponibles dans les galeries Vremena Goda {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 3," properties ": {" x ": -15," y ": - 72," z ": 0," opacity ": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": - 15}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties ": {" duration ": 2," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} Le personnage principal du mélodrame indépendant "Submarine" était formellement un garçon nommé Oliver, mais soyons honnêtes, toute l'attention était concentrée sur sa petite amie Jordan. Elle est l'une de ces héroïnes que tout le monde veut être - vivre dans l'instant, imprévisible, brillante et, bien sûr, bouleverser toute vie imminente. Fille de rêve de lutin maniaque typique? Pour le moment. L'image de Jordan est devenue mémorable grâce non seulement au personnage prescrit, mais aussi aux tenues: sa couleur principale à l'écran était le rouge, et il était donc absolument impossible de ne remarquer la fille dans aucun cadre. Essayez également de choisir une couleur vive pour vous-même - le truc fonctionne! {"Points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, " rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "ro tationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 11," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1.05," scaleY ": 1.05," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} { "points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, " rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" du ration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} Cardigan Sandro, robe Alexander Wang (TopStyle), manteau Sandro, chemisier Maje, bottes Louis VuittonCollections sont disponibles dans les galeries Vremena Goda {" points ": [{" id ": 1," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": - 15, "y": - 72, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, " scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": - 15}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" duration ": 2, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} Emily, facile à vivre et naïve, de la série dont on parle le plus cet automne n'est pas tout à fait l'héroïne habituelle selon les normes d'aujourd'hui. Il n'y a aucun drame en elle, elle ne plonge pas dans la tristesse à l'écran et, au lieu de la réflexion, préfère rire de la situation. Et sa garde-robe ignore complètement toutes les tendances modernes - abandonnant le sport, le beige et le minimalisme, elle s'habille de manière colorée et colorée. Et en plus, elle n'enlève pas ses talons - ce qui, selon les normes de 2020, la rend définitivement unique. Mais passer par la vie à sa propre musique, ne pas prêter attention à ce qui joue pour tout le monde, est une qualité importante de tout personnage principal. Nous prenons en service! {"Points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "pas ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true} }], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "propriétés": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, " rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "propriétés": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," easy ":" Power2. easyOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 1," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "e ase ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} Veste Braschi, jupe SANDRO, casquette DIOR, bottes Gucci,Sac Louis VuttonLes collections sont disponibles dans la galerie Seasons {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": - 15, "y": - 72, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": - 15}}], "étapes": [{"id": 2, "propriétés": {"durée": 2, "délai": 0, "bezier": , "facilité": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} L'héroïne de Blake Lovely, Adaline, n'est pas qu'une fille. Elle est immortelle - et au cours de sa longue vie, elle a vu beaucoup de choses: des bals, des fêtes, des styles différents et des choses plus tristes, sans lesquelles la réalité ne peut être imaginée. Dans les deux heures que dure le film, elle parvient à traverser un siècle, en changeant de luxueuses tenues historiques, et l'histoire se termine à notre époque - dans des vêtements simples et familiers. Si l'image d'une fille mystérieuse qui a vu la vie est proche de vous, il n'est pas nécessaire de rechercher une tenue appropriée dans la garde-robe. Laissez un seul détail être vraiment "cérémonial" dans votre look élégant - par exemple, un collier de perles à plusieurs couches, comme s'il venait des années folles. {"Points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": { "x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "pro perties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 11," propriétés ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "easy": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5} } Collier Chanel, manteau Braschi, jupe Maje, haut Sandro, bottes Gucci Les collections sont disponibles dans les galeries Vremena Goda {"width": 740, "column_width": 23, "columns_n": 32, "gutter": 0, "line": 10} defaultfalse7671300falsetruetrue {"mode": "page", "transition_type": "slide", "transition_direction": "horizontal", "transition_look": "belt", "slides_form": {}} {"css": ".editor {famille de polices: Times New Roman; taille de la police: 19px; poids de la police: 400; hauteur de ligne: 28px;} "}
